
My engineering career started in 1970. I was working for Polaroid in Cambridge, MA. At the time I was working in the Camera Instrumentation Division. CID was responsible for designing and maintaining test equipment for the camera manufacturing department. Many of the designs were very  precision to tolerances to .000015". I also designed and maintained electronic test equipment as well. All design work was done using a "T" square, triangles and templates on paper. That was years before computers and autocad.

In 1974 I took a job in Dallas for a packaging machinery company. I started in the machine shop as I had been a machinist for 6 years. As a machinist I had knowledge of how things are made. Within a couple of years I was designing packaging machinery. Drafting then was done using a drafting machine on paper.

10 years later I went to work for Rovema in Atlanta, GA.At this point I started doing drawings using Autocad 2.5 for DOS. I utilized it for electrical and mechanical designs. In 1990 I started programming PLC's. The first were Siemens from Germany. Later we used Allen Bradley SLC500's for machine control.

In 1996 I was back in Dallas designing machine controls and components for another packaging machinery company. I was then using Autocad R14 for my designs.

In 2001 I took a job in South Texas as a designer. I designed tooling and components for the motor winding industry. I was using Autocad 2000 for all my design needs.

I am currently using Autocad 2011 for my design needs.